An Afterlife Sandwich


I discovered the secret to having the best communication session with your pets…an Afterlife Sandwich.

It may sound odd, but let me explain how this powerful and divine non-edible treat can help you.

A client named Linda booked an afterlife session when her beloved cat, Sadie, passed away. Linda could barely make it through the day and was desperate to hear from her beloved kitty. I opened the session, but the energy was murky and static. The messages were disjointed and vague. 

After several attempts to communicate with me, Sadie showed me how her mom’s energy was thick from grief. I shifted my attention to Linda, and with permission, I switched to a healing session and released the pain and trauma that consumed her.  

That healing session opened a pathway for the Afterlife Session to commence. We scheduled another session a few days out, and BINGO! Sadie’s messages came through smooth as silk, but more importantly, Linda was open to receiving them with clarity. We followed up with another healing session to help Linda balance the residual guilt. 

The Afterlife Sandwich was born when we sandwiched the Afterlife Session between two healing sessions, and the results were off the charts!  The energy flows so much better after a healing session. Plus, your beloved companion can send afterlife signs to you more easily. 

The combination of healing and afterlife communication is a win-win for you and your companions, and after hundreds of sessions, this is by far the most powerful session I’ve conducted. 


  • Mary is an authentic and passionate healer and animal communicator. She works with clients in person and remotely with clients and animals worldwide.

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