From Grief to Healing


There is no eluding emotions of grief when we lose someone we love.

We love so deeply that when we lose those closest to us it rocks us to our core.

Our bodies hold onto trauma, grief, and shock both emotionally and physically.

I recently lost my brother Michael and I am grieving deeply.

My sorrow and sadness prevented me from receiving messages.

No matter who you lose, a beloved family member, a friend, or animal companion there is no escaping the tight grip of grief.

Just like you, I needed to reach out for help.

I took my own advice and had an Afterlife Sandwich which is a healing session, an afterlife session followed by another healing session.

Just like magic the messages came pouring through.

Both healing sessions and messages from the afterlife help ease our pain and mend our hearts.

Grief paralyzes our senses and blocks messages from loved ones.

An Afterlife Sandwich opens those channels so the energy can flow.

Whenever I discover something that helps me I will always share it with you to help you along your healing journey.


  • Mary is an authentic and passionate healer and animal communicator. She works with clients in person and remotely with clients and animals worldwide.

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